Gazpacho - Hypomania (from Soyuz)
Während sich die Avantgardisten auf den letzten beiden Alben wissenschaftlich mit uralten und bösen Kräften auseinander setzten (das letzte Studio Album "Molok" enthielt einen Audio Code, der das Universum hätte auslöschen können, Wissenschaftsmagazine berichteten darüber), geht es auf dem neuen Album um die Vergänglichkeit wunderbarer Momente.
Als Inspirationen des neuen Albums dienten u.a. das zum Pech verdammte russische Raumschiff SOJUS, dessen ikonischer Kapitän Komarow mit der Kapsel verunglückte und die tibetanisch-buddhistische Himmelsbestattung (die Verstorbenen werden in Stücken an Geier und Wildvögel verfüttert).
Hans Christian Andersens Märchen "Des Kaisers neue Kleider" stand Pate für den Song "Emperor Bespoke".
Außerdem auf dem Album zu hören: die älteste Aufnahme der menschlichen Stimme von 1860.
Video- und Tour Statement von Thomas Andersen:
“’Hypomania’ is a song about someone who realises that he is in love with his own projection of someone and not the real person. He has a crisis and ends up leaving. As a Gazpacho song we spent a long time discussing if we should include it on the Soyuz album as it is different from the other songs there. It is a catchy straight forward rock song and we decided to keep it because it is exactly the kind of song men going through similar situations would be listening to while flying off to Vegas to lose all their money on gambling and drink.”
Gazpacho will begin their Soyuztour this week and sees the band playing two sets - “The tour itself is not to be missed as we play almost three hours of music. New stuff, classics and older favourites that we haven't played before. This promises to be an emotional and exciting night and is a must for anyone interested in different music. I was going to add that there's free beer as well but that's not true.”
© 2018 Marco Linke