- Order number: 37028
- Format: CD
- Erscheinungsdatum: 31.03.2023
With "Helix" "Legacy Pilots" already present their fourth album in five years. Obviously, this has not diminished their creativity. Quite the opposite. One has the feeling that every album is a step up. Like its predecessors, "Helix" also offers an enormous bandwidth without forgetting its roots of progressive rock. Especially the "re·sponse-suite", with over 17 minutes the longest track on the album, should be mentioned here. Or also the three-part "Exploring my DNA" which revives the golden years of progressive rock.
"Helix" offers a wealth of musical ideas and also the sound is more than convincing. Which you probably can expect, when artists like Todd Sucherman, Marco Minnemann, Pete Trewavas, John Mitchell, Steven Rothery, Jake Livgren, Finally George, Lars Slowak and others working together.
With their latest work, a single run thru won’t make any sense - there is simply too much to discover when listening again and again. Highly recommended to fans of ELP, Yes, Kansas and the Like. Or to people who simply love great music. If you have liked “The Penrose Triangle”, you will dig “Helix” as much.
Mit "Helix" präsentieren "Legacy Pilots" bereits ihr viertes Album in fünf Jahren. Offensichtlich hat dies ihre Kreativität nicht geschmälert. Ganz im Gegenteil. Man hat das Gefühl, dass jedes Album ein Schritt nach oben ist.
Wie seine Vorgänger bietet auch "Helix" eine enorme Bandbreite, ohne dabei seine Wurzeln im Progressive Rock zu vergessen. Besonders die "re·sponse-suite", mit über 17 Minuten der längste Track des Albums, ist hier zu nennen. Oder auch das dreiteilige "Exploring my DNA", das die goldenen Jahre des Progressive Rock wieder aufleben lässt.
"Helix" bietet eine Fülle musikalischer Ideen und auch der Sound ist mehr als überzeugend. Was Sie wahrscheinlich erwarten können, wenn Künstler wie Todd Sucherman, Marco Minnemann, Pete Trewavas, John Mitchell, Steven Rothery, Jake Livgren, Finally George, Lars Slowak und andere zusammenarbeiten. Mit ihrem neuesten Werk macht ein einzelner Durchlauf keinen Sinn - es gibt einfach zu viel zu entdecken, wenn man immer wieder zuhört.
Sehr empfehlenswert für Fans von ELP, Yes, Kansas und dergleichen. Oder an Menschen, die einfach großartige Musik lieben. Wenn Ihnen "The Penrose Triangle" gefallen hat, werden Sie "Helix" genauso gerne ausgraben.
True Spirit 5:19
The Even Chance 5:20
A Sense of Hope 5:03
A Little Differently 4:32
re·sponse 17:31
re·sponse (I) Prologue 3:16
re·sponse (II) The Inner Battlefield 3:00
re·sponse (III) Tactical Measures 1:00
re·sponse (IV) Silent Eyes 1:47
re·sponse (V) The Human Being 2:21
re·sponse (VI) Return of the Molecules 1:41
re·sponse (VII) Let the World Know 2:04
re·sponse (VIII) Epilogue 2:23
Colors & Light 2:45
So Nice to be Here 4:51
Exploring my DNA 14:12
First Impression 6:11
Second Impression 2:22
Third Impression 5:38
Total run time 60:01
True Spirit 5:19
Written by John Mitchell & Frank Us
Marco Minnemann: Drums
Lars Slowak: Bass
John Mitchell: Vocals
Frank Us: Keyboards & guitars
Carsten Rehder: Solo & acoustic guitar
The Even Chance 5:20
Written by John Mitchell & Frank Us
Todd Sucherman: Drums
Lars Slowak: Bass
John Mitchell: Lead & background vocals, solo guitar
Frank Us: Keyboards, guitars & saltshaker percussion
Finally George: background vocals
A Sense of Hope 5:03
Written by Frank Us
Todd Sucherman: Drums
Lars Slowak: Lead & background vocals, bass
Frank Us: Keyboards, guitars & background vocals
Carsten Rehder: Additional guitar
A Little Differently 4:32
Written by Frank Us & Jake Livgren
Marco Minnemann: Drums
Jake Livgren: Vocals
Lars Slowak: Bass
Frank Us: Keyboards, guitars & background vocals
Liza: Background vocals
re·sponse 17:31
Music written by Frank Us
Lyrics by Frank Us & Jake Livgren
re·sponse (I) Prologue 3:16
re·sponse (II) The Inner Battlefield 3:00
re·sponse (III) Tactical Measures 1:00
re·sponse (IV) Silent Eyes 1:47
re·sponse (V) The Human Being 2:21
re·sponse (VI) Return of the Molecules 1:41
re·sponse (VII) Let the World Know 2:04
re·sponse (VIII) Epilogue 2:23
Todd Sucherman: Drums
Lars Slowak: Bass
Jake Livgren: Vocals
Frank Us: Keyboards, guitars & additional vocals
Steven Rothery: Solo guitar on “The Inner Battlefield”
Uwe, Diana, Frank, Liza: background vocals
Finally George: background vocals on “Silent Eyes”
Colors & Light 2:45
Written by Frank Us
Frank Us: Keyboards, guitars, percussion & lead and background vocals
Lars Slowak: Bass
Finally George: Background vocals
So Nice to be Here 4:51
Written by Frank Us
Marco Minnemann: Drums & Wohoo
Pete Trewavas: Bass
Frank Us: Keyboards & guitars
Carsten Rehder: Solo guitar
Exploring my DNA 14:12
Written by Frank Us
First Impression 6:11
Marco Minnemann: Drums
Pete Trewavas: Bass
Frank Us: Keyboards & guitars
Second Impression 2:22
Lars Slowak: Bass
Frank Us: Keyboards & guitars
Third Impression 5:38
Marco Minnemann: Drums
Pete Trewavas: Bass
Frank Us: Keyboards & guitars
Total run time 60:01