Foreseeable Future LP
- Artikelnummer 34383
- Format: LP
- Erscheinungsdatum: 04.02.2022
Neues Projekt von LOVE (Siena Root), bei dem legendäre Reden von Martin Luther King, Mandela, Kennedy und anderen musikalisch ergänzt wurden. Im Rhythmus der Rede kreisen Keyboards, Drums, Gitarre, Bass und teils auch Bläser um Themen, die uns gestern, heute und auch zukünftig bewegen und Denkanstöße geben können. In konfliktreichen Zeiten ein Ansatz zu mehr Liebe? Warum nicht...
The theme of this album is the beat of the speech. Well-articulated, historically groundbreaking, political speeches that has a beat. The beat is developed into a groove with heavy drums. It is an analogue production from Root Rock Records own studio, featuring musicians from the group Siena Root and others. This album is a presentation of world-changing words in a new context, a piece of music that will appeal to an audience that never encounter these speeches. The philosophical range of the speeches is very broad, but all of them with a positive view on mankind. These words carry an important historical perspective and a view into the future.
The album features speeches by S. Allende (1972), G. Thunberg (2019), J. F. Kennedy (1963), M. L. King (1964), N. R. Mandela (1990), O. Palme (1972), S. C. Suzuki (1992) and F. D. Roosevelt (1944), capturing 75 years of recent history.
“It is wonderful to know so many people around the world believe in working towards a world of peace, diversity and joy. Thank you for sharing the Rio 1992 speech to the UN in your music; it still amazes me that the Rio Speech, given so long ago, continues to be shown to help inspire children and adults alike. The longevity of it has re-affirmed to me the power and importance of the voice of youth; we need our youth to speak truth to power.” -Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Musicians: Love H Forsberg – Percussion, Pianet and Synthesizers; Tobias Hansson – Guitar; KG West – Pianet, Guitar and Synthesizers; Sam Riffer – Bass; Erik “Errka” Petersson – Organ; Anna-Karin Penton – Trumpet; Stian Grimstad – Trombone. Recorded and mixed by Sam Riffer, Tobias Hansson and Love H Forsberg in Root Rock Studio. Mastered at Cuttingroom, Stockholm by Björn Engelmann. Front cover artwork by Kristine Schoepflin. Produced by Love H Forsberg.